Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Attorneys in Parkville, MO
Representing those who cannot protect themselves in Missouri
One thing that we cannot avoid in life is aging. While some elderly adults can continue to participate in day-to-day activities, many others cannot. This is often one of the leading reasons why seniors enter nursing homes. Other times seniors decide that they want to live a stress-free life and a nursing home or long-term care facility allows them to do just that.
Many times, the last thing on anyone’s mind is that their loved ones will be abused and neglected when they enter a nursing home. While this is not something we wish upon anyone, this is a very real situation that happens in Parkville and across the country. It is important that everyone should be able to recognize signs of abuse in nursing homes. If you see the signs you will also need to be able to address the issues with the help of a Parkville nursing home abuse & neglect attorney from Kansas City Accident Injury Attorneys.
What does nursing home abuse look like?
While physical abuse is the most talked about form of elder abuse, it is not the only one.
The signs of physical abuse
Anytime a person uses force that inflicts pain, impairment, or bodily injury on a senior resident this can be considered abuse. Some of the most common examples include:
- Kicking
- Slapping
- Hitting
- Punching
- Burning
- Shaking
- Pushing
If a medication is not administered this can also be a sign of physical abuse. Another uncommon scenario is if there were physical restraints used when it was unnecessary. You should look for the following signs that can mean your senior is being physically abused:
- Sudden change in behavior
- Black eyes, cuts, bruises, or restraint marks
- Broken eyeglasses
- Broken bones
- Fractured skulls
- Open wounds or untreated injuries
- Sprains
- Irregular medication dosages
- Refusing to allow the senior resident to see visitors
- The senior resident stated they have been physically abused
The signs of sexual abuse
Any sexual act that was not consensual is considered sexual abuse. Oftentimes, seniors in nursing homes are unable to consent due to their physical or mental state. Sexual abuse can include the following:
- Forced nudity
- Rape
- Sodomy
- Battery
- Sexually explicit photos
You should look for the following signs of sexual abuse in your senior:
- STDs
- Torn or bloody clothing
- Bruises and cuts near the sexual parts of the body
- Unexplained anal or vaginal bleeding
- The senior reports sexual abuse
Financial abuse in a Parkville nursing home
Many seniors are unable to manage their finances alone. Nursing home staff will often take advantage of this and the fact that seniors trust them as caregivers. You should look for the following:
- Forgery
- Stealing
- Unauthorized withdraws or checks cashed
- Power of attorney or will changes that now include nursing home staff members that were not authorized
- Not consulting with the senior’s guardian or conservator for financial decisions
You should look for the following signs of financial abuse:
- Unpaid bills
- Large bank withdrawal
- Loss of possessions
- Adding a staff member to the senior's accounts
- Senior reporting financial abuse
Emotional and psychological abuse
This form of abuse is especially difficult, and our Parkville nursing home abuse & neglect attorney takes special care of these cases. You should look for the following signs of emotional or psychological abuse:
- Verbal assaults
- Intimidation
- Silent treatment
- Treating the senior like a child
- Isolating the elder resident
- Unusual behavior
- A senior who is disengaged or withdrawn
- Senior reporting emotional abuse
Do I have a case?
Call now or fill out a form to receive a free confidential consultation
What does neglect look like in a nursing home?
There are many reasons that a nursing home resident can be neglected, and most often it is due to negligent practices on behalf of the facility. Oftentimes they do not conduct proper background checks during the hiring process which can lead to the hiring of abusive personnel. Signs of neglect can include:
- Poor personal hygiene
- Malnutrition or dehydration
- Unsafe living conditions
- Untreated bedsores
- Unsanitary living conditions
- Unaddressed health issues
There are many other signs of abuse that can be present when a senior is being abused or neglected. You must first get your senior loved one to a safe place and then discuss your options with a Parkville nursing home abuse & neglect attorney.
What is the nursing home bill of rights?
The elderly population should be protected and one way that they can be is through the nursing home bill of rights. These are guaranteed rights for the seniors which include some of the following:
- Freedom from discrimination
- Freedom from abuse or neglect
- To be treated with respect
- The right to a representative
- The right not to be restrained unnecessarily
- The right to receive proper medical attention
- The right to visit with families and loved ones
You can find the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid’s complete list of nursing home residents’ rights here. Seniors must be made aware of these rights when they enter a nursing home facility. We can advocate for your loved one if these rights have been violated.
Who can be held liable for nursing home abuse or neglect in Parkville?
Liability in these cases is often complex as there can be multiple parties who can be held responsible. Generally, the nursing home is responsible for the actions of its staff and others who enter the facility to an extent. It is important that we conduct a thorough investigation into your claim to determine who the liable party is. Most often defendants these cases include:
- Visitors or trespassers
- Other nursing home residents
- Nursing home staff
- Maintenance or repair companies
- Nursing home oversight committees
- Builders
- Defective product manufacturers
There may be other potential defendants for these cases which is why it is important to have a Parkville nursing home abuse & neglect attorney defying your rights.
What damages can I seek in a nursing home abuse claim?
You may be eligible to obtain compensation for your damages and injuries. If a loved one dies because of the nursing home abuse or neglect, we can file a wrongful death claim on behalf of the surviving family. If this is not your case, we can file a claim to obtain compensation for the following:
- Financial losses
- Physical pain and suffering
- Any medical care that was necessary related to the abuse or neglect
- Punitive damages for the abuse
Keep in mind that not every case will result in compensation, and you will need to work with your Parkville nursing home abuse & neglect attorney to determine if your case is eligible. We will relay the best tactics possible to ensure that you get justice for your loved one. Seniors should be protected, not abused or neglected.
Do you have a nursing home neglect attorney near me?
Our Parkville office is located at 8600 NW 64th Street Suite 945. Please call for an appointment. Our lawyers have offices throughout Missouri and Kansas.
Contact a Parkville nursing home abuse and neglect lawyer today
Nursing homes are a place where seniors can get the companionship they desire and participate in group activities with other people their age. These facilities should be dedicated to the health and well-being of their residents. When nursing homes do not work to protect their residents, this can result in abuse and neglect.
For over 30 years, Kansas City Accident Injury Attorneys has worked to fight for senior care rights. We believe the elderly population has the right to safety and should not be mistreated due to their age or physical limitations. When you need a Parkville nursing home abuse & neglect attorney, call 816-471-5111 or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation today.
Parkville Office
8600 NW 64th St., #945,
Parkville, MO 64152