Using a Car or Booster Seat in an Uber, Lyft, or Shuttle

Kansas City, Missouri, is a bustling hub for tourists and locals alike. From the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and the National WWI Museum to the Kansas City Zoo and the Chiefs football games, there’s no shortage of attractions. While the downtown area is highly walkable, many visitors find themselves needing a ride to explore further…

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Dental and Facial Injuries from Motorcycle Accidents

When a motorcyclist is involved in an accident, dental and facial injuries are extremely common. The reason these injuries happen is because motorcyclists have no shield, seatbelt, or airbags to protect themselves. Therefore, when an accident occurs, they may experience a blow or impact to the head, face, mouth, and more. This can lead to…

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Avoiding Blind Spot Accidents with Motorcycles

Most of us likely learned about blind spots when getting our licenses. In driving courses, it is one of the first things you learn. In a passenger vehicle (like a sedan), you learn to check your mirrors and to look over your shoulder when changing lanes. In trucks, there are “no-zones” that surround the large…

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Safety and Liability for Motorcycle Passengers

Whether you hop on a friend’s motorcycle for a one-time quick trip or you’re a regular partner on your spouse’s bike, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities as a passenger. Passengers are just as likely to be seriously injured in a motorcycle crash as the driver, but their lack of control of…

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Student Dead After Struck by School Bus

The community in St. Joseph, Missouri is grieving today, after a 16 year-high school student was killed in a tragic bus accident on Monday morning.  The 16 year old student was crossing St. Joseph Avenue on Grand in St. Joseph, MO. at 7:30 a.m. when the bus turned the corner and hit him.  He was…

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Understanding the Motivations Behind Speeding

We’ve all been guilty of putting the pedal to the metal to get to our destinations. Maybe we overslept and have to get to work, or maybe we are just too distracted to pay attention to our speed. Whatever the reason, driving above the speed limit—or driving too fast for road or weather conditions—is a…

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Missouri 71 Highway Scene of Deadly Rollover Accident

On Monday afternoon, the southbound lanes of U.S. 71 Highway were shut down following a rollover crash near Highway 58.  Terry Stutts, 52 of Peculiar and her passenger a 10-year old girl were traveling northbound on 71 Highway when Stutts lost control of the vehicle, crossing the median.  The car rolled over several times, landing…

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