Understanding the Motivations Behind Speeding

We’ve all been guilty of putting the pedal to the metal to get to our destinations. Maybe we overslept and have to get to work, or maybe we are just too distracted to pay attention to our speed. Whatever the reason, driving above the speed limit—or driving too fast for road or weather conditions—is a…

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Why Do Single Car Crashes Happen and Who Is at Fault

It may surprise you to learn that over half of the fatal crashes in Kansas and Missouri each year involve only one car. These single-vehicle collisions are deadly because they often involve an off-road rollover or a head-on impact with a fixed object, like a tree. What caused the driver to crash often remains a…

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Why Restricting Teen Night Driving Saves Lives

Most teens cannot wait to get their driver licenses. They look forward to the ability to get themselves to and from school and part-time jobs, and they especially look forward to the freedom a license gives them to go out with friend to movies, concerts, and parties. While we remember these feelings ourselves and appreciate…

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Teen Killed in Rollover Accident

The life of a child is so precious– and it is not uncommon for a community to rally around such popular child– such was the case with a teen boxer of of KCK.  The 15 year-old girl was killed in a tragic rollover car crash on I-35 near Antioch Road in Overland Park, Kansas. The…

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Three Killed in Head-On Collison on K-32

A fatal head-on collision left three people dead after a three car accident along Kansas Highway 32on Sunday night.  According to the Kansas Highway Patrol, the accident was caused when one of the vehicles, which was traveling east on K-32 tried to pass another car and ended up colliding head-on with a third vehicle.  All…

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Laws Regarding Cell Phone Use While Driving in KS and MO

Despite a nationwide awareness campaign about the dangers of distracted driving, there are still a handful of states that have not banned texting and driving for all drivers—including Missouri. Recent studies have concluded that as many as one in four motor vehicle crashes likely involved the use of a cell phone by a driver. Whether…

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Learning to Use Diverging Diamonds Interchanges in Kansas

Most people are adverse to change. We get set in our routines and, no matter how inefficient or dangerous that routine is, we often prefer to stick to it than to try something new. When it comes to traffic patterns, however, drivers don’t usually have a choice. When a city or county traffic department or…

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Man Ejected and Killed in Drunk Driving Accident on I-670

The only thing worse than drunk driving is the distracted driving that typically accompanies it.  Alcohol clearly affects the judgment and reaction time for people and when they decide to get behind the wheel, things can get very dangerous, even deadly. A 28 year-old >Kansas City man was killed in a drunk driving accident caused…

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MAST Ambulance and Kansas City Fire Department Merge

Accolades to the city of Kansas City, Missouri!  A merger between MAST Ambulance Services and the Kansas City Fire Department was official as of Sunday.  The merger, which has received national attention, is an effort to cut costs by the city.  According to Fire Chief Smokey Dyer, the savings look to be around $1.6 million…

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