What Should I Do at the Scene of a Car Accident?

Car accidents can be sudden and disorienting, leaving you feeling jarred and full of adrenaline. One moment you’re driving, and the next you’re experiencing the force of several tons of metal colliding with your vehicle. In the initial moments following a crash, it’s crucial to try to remain calm and reorient yourself. If you find…

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Car Accident Fatalities in Missouri and Kansas Are Rising

Car accidents are an unfortunate part of life, and millions occur on US roadways each year, leading to injuries and sometimes fatalities. Here in Kansas and Missouri, highway deaths are on the increase. Missouri accident statistics According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), 35,766 fatal collisions occurred in the US in 2020, resulting…

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How Car Accidents Cause Brain Injuries

Car accidents range in severity from a simple fender-bender to a more dangerous rollover accident. People may be quick to assume that, in a crash that did not even cause much of a dent, no serious injuries can occur. However, one should never make this assumption. For example, an individual can sustain whiplash from another…

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Worst Drivers in the Country: How Do Kansas and Missouri Rank?

As technology continues to grow, so do distractions. With the number of new cell phones, tablets, laptops, virtual reality gear, and other inventions joining the consumer market every day, it is no surprise that distracted driving is the main reason for car accidents in the nation. Other dangerous habits include driving while drowsy, aggressive and…

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Who Has the Right of Way at a Four Way Stop?

Our roads and highways are designed to prevent as many traffic accidents as possible. The use of traffic signals, stop signs, and yield signs keep traffic flowing safely – but only when motorists follow the rules. Drivers must properly yield and stop according to these signs and signals, and if they don’t, they both risk…

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Understanding Internal Bleeding from a Kansas City, MO Car Accident

Unless you are a medical professional or have suffered an injury yourself, it is far too easy to underestimate the severity of the trauma, simply because you do not understand it. We may not even realize we don’t understand something (especially when myths and misconceptions are commonplace in pop culture). For example, while we know…

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What You Should Know About Using Your High Beams in Missouri

Who among us hasn’t forgotten to turn off our high beams when we’re driving at night and another car approaches from the other direction? It is a common mistake, but one we should be aware of making. Accidents happen every year when one driver is blinded by the high beams of another car. Missouri has…

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Can I Seek Compensation for a Stop Sign Accident?

One of the first rules of the road that we learn is to stop at stop signs; after all, we see them everywhere on local roads, in parking lots, and in neighborhoods. Perhaps that is why so many drivers fail to come to a full stop at stop sign intersections. This is one of the…

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You Can Suffer Injury in Any Motorized Vehicle

ATV riding can be one of the most fun summer activities However, those who enjoy the activity should think twice about operating one if it has been left outside in low temperatures. One of the most recent recalls this month involves the Intimidator and Mahindra utility vehicle product line. The company decided to recall the…

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